Faktor waktu ikut berpengaruh dalam membangun brand dan nama baik perusahaan, bisa dikatakan sama pentingnya dengan kualitas produk. Sebab produk berkualitas sekali pun akan sulit diterima pasar, bila dijual oleh perusahaan yang dikenal karena reputasinya yang buruk. Untuk itu langkah penting dalam membangun reputasi adalah dengan dipegangnya budaya kerja sebagai business conduct atau etika bisnis dari waktu ke waktu secara berkesinambungan oleh semua elemen perusahaan.
Langkah tersebut mau tak mau harus dilakukan karena membentuk brand itu tidak bisa cepat dan dalam waktu singkat. Jangkankan orang lain di luar organisasi perusahaan, kadang karyawan sendiri sebagai pihak internal pun juga perlu diyakinkan bahwa perusahaan punya itikad dan maksud yang baik. Image tersebut harus dibangun secara bertahap, menjadi budaya dan karakter perusahaan hingga akhirnya membentuk suatu identitas.
Sosialisasi Sejarah Historimedia Sejarawan Kontemporer Modern (whatsapp: 0823.2223.2268)
Showing posts with label brand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brand. Show all posts
Monday, September 18, 2017
Monday, September 11, 2017
Menjaga Momentum dalam Bisnis yang Dinamis
Cukup lama website ini tidak lagi optimal sebagai media yang menyampaikan informasi. Setahun terakhir memang banyak aktivitas lain dan kesibukan pribadi diluar founder blog yang membuat terbengkalainya sejarawan.id Prioritas memang sempat mengalami perubahan, tapi hanya untuk sementara. Justru dengan pengalaman setahun terakhir ini pula muncul kesadaran untuk lebih perhatian/ peduli pada informasi sejarah dari sisi bisnis.
Terus terang sebagai founder website yang juga manusia biasa dengan kewajibannya mencari nafkah, sesuap nasi dan mobil mercy, penulis pun harus bekerja sebagai karyawan di sebuah perusahaan swasta. Bolehlah sedikit diceritakan disini untuk menjadi persepsi agar kedepan bersama kita melihatnya sebagai momentum dalam sejarah bisnis, minimal secara pribadi apa yang penulis rasakan selama setahun terakhir ini.
Sebab ternyata sejarah sebagai ilmu pun bisa difungsikan sebagai strategi marketing, alat untuk berpromosi dan memperkuat brand perusahaan. Itu pula yang menarik dari kisah penulis sebagai karyawan, meskipun tidak secara langsung menggunakan metode sejarah dalam pekerjaan. Singkat cerita, saya bergabung dalam CV. BM (dalam inisial karena tidak ada izin dari owner untuk mempublikasikan) dan bekerja di kantor cabang Semarang sebagai sales-marketing. Perusahaan cv.bm ini merupakan main distributor suatu principal ponsel nasional yang tugasnya mendistribusikan ke toko-toko di provinsi Jawa Tengah.
Kantor pusat cv.bm sendiri ada di Surabaya dengan cabang perusahaan di Bali, Jogja, Solo, Semarang, Makasar, bahkan hingga Ternate. Untuk area Semarang sendiri gugus tugas dibagi dua antara Pantura ke Barat yaitu Kendal, Weleri, Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Randudongkal, Tegal, Slawi, Brebes. Sedang Pantura ke Timur ada personel lain yang ditugaskan mengelola repeat order dari toko-toko disekitarnya.
Intinya selama bekerja seorang sales harus mampu mengelola toko yang sudah menjadi klien perusahaan, mampu menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemilik toko, promotor dari principal yang ditempatkan di toko dengan cara harmonisasi antara repeat order maupun pembayaran tagihan. Maklumlah meskipun cv.bm hanya sebuah perusahaan MD namun mempunyai modal yang kuat sehingga mampu mengirim barang dengan pembayaran tempo hingga sebulan. Sekilas pun bisa diketahui oleh seorang sales baru seperti saya yang baru bergabung bisa dipercayakan mengelola sirkulasi barang hingga milyaran ke toko hanya dengan dasar sistem altius, sebaliknya pemilik toko repeat order dengan mengandalkan reputasi atau nama baik tokonya.
Masalah teknis by sistem kalau dibahas bisa jadi halaman tersendiri di blog ini. Intinya, secara singkat lewat observasi setahun ini bisa dikatakan cv.bm sudah punya konsep kerja internal yang saya pandang cukup baik. Apalagi posisi sales yang harus selalu menjalin relasi kita sudah dibekali cukup fasilitas seperti kendaraan roda empat alias mobil yang bisa dipakai setiap waktu serta ponsel ldu atau live demolition unit.
Energi owner seolah ikut mengalir lewat support mereka ke pada semua staf. Jadi secara internal, perusahaan sudah cukup cepat beradaptasi termasuk dengan selalu merekrut manager bekas karyawan dari principal untuk mengatasi perubahan rule yang diinginkan oleh produsen ponsel tersebut. Permasalahan berat yang selalu muncul justru datang dari eksternal khususnya principal yg memiliki agenda sendiri terhadap produknya. Dilema buat MD selaku distributor yang berhubungan langsung dilapangan, owner toko sering komplain atas dampak cross boarder terhadap limit, tempo, bahkan harga yang bisa refund sewaktu-waktu.
Peduli dan perhatian terhadap sejarah bisnis meskipun hanya berupa komitmen pembelajaran pribadi tampaknya penting untuk dipelihara sebagai budaya kerja. Strategi marketing diluar sana mungkin beragam dan untuk dapat bertahan kita harus punya catatan sejarah sendiri, supaya tidak lemah serta mudah didikte oleh perubahan eksternal diluar sana. Apalagi akan sangat sulit bila sistem sudah terbentuk dengan amat solid, dan mengakibatkan terputusnya arus komunikasi antara principal - distributor - retail/ agen di lapangan.
Semoga cv.bm bisa mempertahankan eksistensinya selama ini, dan kedepan dapat berkembang lebih baik dalam mempertahankan kerjasama internalnya. Selama bergabung saya memperoleh banyak pelajaran, harmonisasi antara target perusahaan dengan mengembangkan hubungan sosial antara semua stakeholder. Sayangnya sekarang saya tidak berkompetensi untuk turut campur dalam manajemen perusahaan karena hanya direkrut sebagai karyawan, jadi hanya bisa bicara soal target dan prestasi diukur dari profit.
Selaku penulis artikel saya hanya berbagi informasi dan mengambil kesimpulan sementara dari pengalaman selama setahun ini yang memperlihatkan bahwa sejarah itu relevan dengan berbagai permasalahan termasuk dari sudut pandang bisnis. Kekuatan sejarah ada pada kronologisasi yang menuntut kemampuan independent seorang sejarawan di semua lini bahwa sejarah itu merupakan kunci dari semua masalah yang dihadapi hari ini, mempelajarinya berarti membuka gerbang harapan dimasa mendatang.
Sejarah juga mengajarkan bahwa apapun posisi kita dalam kehidupan di hari ini, sesekali kita harus menoleh ke belakang, merunut setiap peristiwa yang telah lewat sebagai riwayat hidup yang berharga dan mengambil hikmahnya untuk solusi bila ada masalah di hari ini maupun menggapai tujuan kedepan, untuk hari esok yang lebih baik.
Terus terang sebagai founder website yang juga manusia biasa dengan kewajibannya mencari nafkah, sesuap nasi dan mobil mercy, penulis pun harus bekerja sebagai karyawan di sebuah perusahaan swasta. Bolehlah sedikit diceritakan disini untuk menjadi persepsi agar kedepan bersama kita melihatnya sebagai momentum dalam sejarah bisnis, minimal secara pribadi apa yang penulis rasakan selama setahun terakhir ini.
Sebab ternyata sejarah sebagai ilmu pun bisa difungsikan sebagai strategi marketing, alat untuk berpromosi dan memperkuat brand perusahaan. Itu pula yang menarik dari kisah penulis sebagai karyawan, meskipun tidak secara langsung menggunakan metode sejarah dalam pekerjaan. Singkat cerita, saya bergabung dalam CV. BM (dalam inisial karena tidak ada izin dari owner untuk mempublikasikan) dan bekerja di kantor cabang Semarang sebagai sales-marketing. Perusahaan cv.bm ini merupakan main distributor suatu principal ponsel nasional yang tugasnya mendistribusikan ke toko-toko di provinsi Jawa Tengah.
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Kantor pusat CV. BM di Jawa Tengah, lokasi bersebelahan dengan ruko Tiket.Com, Yogyakarta. |
Kantor pusat cv.bm sendiri ada di Surabaya dengan cabang perusahaan di Bali, Jogja, Solo, Semarang, Makasar, bahkan hingga Ternate. Untuk area Semarang sendiri gugus tugas dibagi dua antara Pantura ke Barat yaitu Kendal, Weleri, Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Randudongkal, Tegal, Slawi, Brebes. Sedang Pantura ke Timur ada personel lain yang ditugaskan mengelola repeat order dari toko-toko disekitarnya.
Intinya selama bekerja seorang sales harus mampu mengelola toko yang sudah menjadi klien perusahaan, mampu menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemilik toko, promotor dari principal yang ditempatkan di toko dengan cara harmonisasi antara repeat order maupun pembayaran tagihan. Maklumlah meskipun cv.bm hanya sebuah perusahaan MD namun mempunyai modal yang kuat sehingga mampu mengirim barang dengan pembayaran tempo hingga sebulan. Sekilas pun bisa diketahui oleh seorang sales baru seperti saya yang baru bergabung bisa dipercayakan mengelola sirkulasi barang hingga milyaran ke toko hanya dengan dasar sistem altius, sebaliknya pemilik toko repeat order dengan mengandalkan reputasi atau nama baik tokonya.
Masalah teknis by sistem kalau dibahas bisa jadi halaman tersendiri di blog ini. Intinya, secara singkat lewat observasi setahun ini bisa dikatakan cv.bm sudah punya konsep kerja internal yang saya pandang cukup baik. Apalagi posisi sales yang harus selalu menjalin relasi kita sudah dibekali cukup fasilitas seperti kendaraan roda empat alias mobil yang bisa dipakai setiap waktu serta ponsel ldu atau live demolition unit.
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Live Demolition Unit, ponsel buat sales |
Peduli dan perhatian terhadap sejarah bisnis meskipun hanya berupa komitmen pembelajaran pribadi tampaknya penting untuk dipelihara sebagai budaya kerja. Strategi marketing diluar sana mungkin beragam dan untuk dapat bertahan kita harus punya catatan sejarah sendiri, supaya tidak lemah serta mudah didikte oleh perubahan eksternal diluar sana. Apalagi akan sangat sulit bila sistem sudah terbentuk dengan amat solid, dan mengakibatkan terputusnya arus komunikasi antara principal - distributor - retail/ agen di lapangan.
Selaku penulis artikel saya hanya berbagi informasi dan mengambil kesimpulan sementara dari pengalaman selama setahun ini yang memperlihatkan bahwa sejarah itu relevan dengan berbagai permasalahan termasuk dari sudut pandang bisnis. Kekuatan sejarah ada pada kronologisasi yang menuntut kemampuan independent seorang sejarawan di semua lini bahwa sejarah itu merupakan kunci dari semua masalah yang dihadapi hari ini, mempelajarinya berarti membuka gerbang harapan dimasa mendatang.
Sejarah juga mengajarkan bahwa apapun posisi kita dalam kehidupan di hari ini, sesekali kita harus menoleh ke belakang, merunut setiap peristiwa yang telah lewat sebagai riwayat hidup yang berharga dan mengambil hikmahnya untuk solusi bila ada masalah di hari ini maupun menggapai tujuan kedepan, untuk hari esok yang lebih baik.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Personal Branding & Citra Diri.
Konsep personal branding mengangkat karakteristik manusia dalam aspek yang paling mendasar, yaitu bahwa setiap perubahan berkaitan dengan perbedaan. Di samping itu, dengan tegas kita bisa mengatakan bahwa setiap manusia memiliki perbedaan dari manusia lainnya.
Manusia-manusia berbeda bahkan jika mereka kembar identik atau merupakan hasil cloning sekalipun. Setidaknya, mereka adalah materi-materi yang terpisah satu dari yang lainnya. Dengan kata lain, manusia adalah perbedaan dan setiap perbedaan cenderung membawa perubahan. Perubahan adalah perbedaan.
Sebagai individu setiap kita adalah unik di tengah kelompok, baik itu kolega, pesaing, rekan kerja, kolega, dan sebagainya. Dunia semakin mutakhir dan bergerak lebih cepat. Disadari atau tidak, itu semua menciptakan model-model filtrasi, mulai informasi sampai ke pribadi-pribadi. Jika Anda tak terlihat, Anda lewat.
Personal branding adalah upaya manusia modern untuk mengembangkan dan mendongkrak berbagai perbedaan itu, ke arah yang lebih baik dan secara pribadi menguntungkan. Manusia dengan personal branding yang kuat, menonjol dan berpengaruh, adalah manusia yang dilekati dengan berbagai atribut yang dipersyaratkan. Secara umum, personal branding banyak mengakomodir filosofi dan konsep corporate branding ke dalam diri individu.
Berikut ini adalah karakterisasi manusia yang dikembangkan dalam konsep personal branding (seperti yang dikembangkan oleh Peter Montoya, William Arruda, Rob Frankel, Gabriella Goddard dan sebagainya).
Manusia yang unique dan memiliki kekuatan, menonjol serta punyapengaruh dalam perubahan di masa depan, adalah manusia yang bisa berhubungan dengan manusia lain dalam konteks partnership.
Manusia ini juga harus memiliki comparative dan competitive advantage sekaligus. Ia harus mengembangkan dan menggeser keunggulan kompetitifnya menjadi keunggulan komparatif yang tidak bisa diikuti oleh manusia lain. Hanya dengan itu, ia akan menjadi manusia yang unik, kuat, menonjol dan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan.
Manusia ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menyerap kemajuan zaman, dan sekaligus kemampuan untuk melakukan alih teknologi.
Ia adalah milik dirinya sendiri. Ia tidak seperti mesin atau bangunan yang bisa berganti kepemilikan. Ia tidak mengenal istilah bekas seperti barang-barang. Ia akan menjadi asset yang tidak bisa diperjualbelikan seperti mesin atau bangunan, kecuali ia sendiri menghendakinya. Kemanapun ia pergi, ia akan menjadi sumber daya yang selalu baru,makin kuat, makin menonjol dan makin berpengaruh, kecuali ia sakit atau mati.
Ia juga mampu menghadapi kebutuhan daur ulang sumber daya manusia, yang kian hari dipandang makin dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan. Ia siap kapan saja dan di mana saja. Ia akan bisa memanfaatkan dengan baik berbagai peluang yang muncul dan berbagai fasilitas yang ditawarkan dunia.
Mereka yang kuat personal brandingnya akan memasuki kelompok elit yang dikuasai oleh hukum pareto (hukum 20/80) atau sejenisnya. Mereka akan selalu menjadi anggota 20 besar dari setiap komunitas yang terdiri dari 100 orang. Demikian juga, ia akan selalu masuk dalam catatan 20% orang yang paling sukses di bidangnya.
Mencapai itu semua tidaklah mudah. Sementara itu, saat ini banyak orang bercita-cita ke arah sana. Dan dalam proses pencapaian itu, berbagai kendala dan halangan harus dilalui dengan susah dan payah. Kegagalan untuk mencapai tingkatan itu bisa dianggap malapetaka di zaman ini.
(Saya sendiri juga sedang bekerja keras di jalan yang keras dan berbatu... doakan saya.)
Berikut ini secuil ringkasan dari begitu banyak cara dan tips personal branding. Semoga bermanfaat.
1. Berpikirlah sebagai orang yang merdeka.
2. Temukan kelebihan dan kemampuan yang membuat Andaberbeda dari orang lain.
3. Pasarkanlah kelebihan dan kemampuan itu tanpa malu-malu, Anda bukan hanya sedang berjualan, Anda sedang memaksimalkan potensi diri dan Anda sedang menaikkan besaran manfaat pribadi Anda untuk orang banyak.
4. Jadilah terlihat.
5. Berhentilah networking, bangun network Anda.
6. Tambahkan nilai kepada siapa saja.
7. Akselerasikan brand power Anda dengan bersinkronisasi dengan tren yang berkembang dan bergeraklah ke arah itu.
8. Hiduplah di dalam sebuah cause atau "sebab keberadaan" Anda.
9. Share dulu, baru profit.
10. Bantu orang lain mensukseskan diri mereka. Tak perlu ragu jika Anda sendiri masih belum sukses. Baca lagi ini, "Saya Ingin Anda Sukses, Saya Harus Membuat Anda Sukses".
11. Selalulah pertanyakan diri Anda, dan dekati dia dengan sistematis. Jadilah penasaran seumur hidup tentang dia.
Saya Ingin Anda Sukses.
Saya Harus Membuat Anda Sukses.
Artikel disadur kembali oleh:
Djoko Hamdani as Sejarawan Hamdina
024-7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
Manusia-manusia berbeda bahkan jika mereka kembar identik atau merupakan hasil cloning sekalipun. Setidaknya, mereka adalah materi-materi yang terpisah satu dari yang lainnya. Dengan kata lain, manusia adalah perbedaan dan setiap perbedaan cenderung membawa perubahan. Perubahan adalah perbedaan.
Sebagai individu setiap kita adalah unik di tengah kelompok, baik itu kolega, pesaing, rekan kerja, kolega, dan sebagainya. Dunia semakin mutakhir dan bergerak lebih cepat. Disadari atau tidak, itu semua menciptakan model-model filtrasi, mulai informasi sampai ke pribadi-pribadi. Jika Anda tak terlihat, Anda lewat.
Personal branding adalah upaya manusia modern untuk mengembangkan dan mendongkrak berbagai perbedaan itu, ke arah yang lebih baik dan secara pribadi menguntungkan. Manusia dengan personal branding yang kuat, menonjol dan berpengaruh, adalah manusia yang dilekati dengan berbagai atribut yang dipersyaratkan. Secara umum, personal branding banyak mengakomodir filosofi dan konsep corporate branding ke dalam diri individu.
Berikut ini adalah karakterisasi manusia yang dikembangkan dalam konsep personal branding (seperti yang dikembangkan oleh Peter Montoya, William Arruda, Rob Frankel, Gabriella Goddard dan sebagainya).
Manusia yang unique dan memiliki kekuatan, menonjol serta punyapengaruh dalam perubahan di masa depan, adalah manusia yang bisa berhubungan dengan manusia lain dalam konteks partnership.
Manusia ini juga harus memiliki comparative dan competitive advantage sekaligus. Ia harus mengembangkan dan menggeser keunggulan kompetitifnya menjadi keunggulan komparatif yang tidak bisa diikuti oleh manusia lain. Hanya dengan itu, ia akan menjadi manusia yang unik, kuat, menonjol dan berpengaruh terhadap perubahan.
Manusia ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menyerap kemajuan zaman, dan sekaligus kemampuan untuk melakukan alih teknologi.
Ia adalah milik dirinya sendiri. Ia tidak seperti mesin atau bangunan yang bisa berganti kepemilikan. Ia tidak mengenal istilah bekas seperti barang-barang. Ia akan menjadi asset yang tidak bisa diperjualbelikan seperti mesin atau bangunan, kecuali ia sendiri menghendakinya. Kemanapun ia pergi, ia akan menjadi sumber daya yang selalu baru,makin kuat, makin menonjol dan makin berpengaruh, kecuali ia sakit atau mati.
Ia juga mampu menghadapi kebutuhan daur ulang sumber daya manusia, yang kian hari dipandang makin dibutuhkan untuk mengantisipasi berbagai perubahan. Ia siap kapan saja dan di mana saja. Ia akan bisa memanfaatkan dengan baik berbagai peluang yang muncul dan berbagai fasilitas yang ditawarkan dunia.
Mereka yang kuat personal brandingnya akan memasuki kelompok elit yang dikuasai oleh hukum pareto (hukum 20/80) atau sejenisnya. Mereka akan selalu menjadi anggota 20 besar dari setiap komunitas yang terdiri dari 100 orang. Demikian juga, ia akan selalu masuk dalam catatan 20% orang yang paling sukses di bidangnya.
Mencapai itu semua tidaklah mudah. Sementara itu, saat ini banyak orang bercita-cita ke arah sana. Dan dalam proses pencapaian itu, berbagai kendala dan halangan harus dilalui dengan susah dan payah. Kegagalan untuk mencapai tingkatan itu bisa dianggap malapetaka di zaman ini.
(Saya sendiri juga sedang bekerja keras di jalan yang keras dan berbatu... doakan saya.)
Berikut ini secuil ringkasan dari begitu banyak cara dan tips personal branding. Semoga bermanfaat.
1. Berpikirlah sebagai orang yang merdeka.
2. Temukan kelebihan dan kemampuan yang membuat Andaberbeda dari orang lain.
3. Pasarkanlah kelebihan dan kemampuan itu tanpa malu-malu, Anda bukan hanya sedang berjualan, Anda sedang memaksimalkan potensi diri dan Anda sedang menaikkan besaran manfaat pribadi Anda untuk orang banyak.
4. Jadilah terlihat.
5. Berhentilah networking, bangun network Anda.
6. Tambahkan nilai kepada siapa saja.
7. Akselerasikan brand power Anda dengan bersinkronisasi dengan tren yang berkembang dan bergeraklah ke arah itu.
8. Hiduplah di dalam sebuah cause atau "sebab keberadaan" Anda.
9. Share dulu, baru profit.
10. Bantu orang lain mensukseskan diri mereka. Tak perlu ragu jika Anda sendiri masih belum sukses. Baca lagi ini, "Saya Ingin Anda Sukses, Saya Harus Membuat Anda Sukses".
11. Selalulah pertanyakan diri Anda, dan dekati dia dengan sistematis. Jadilah penasaran seumur hidup tentang dia.
Saya Ingin Anda Sukses.
Saya Harus Membuat Anda Sukses.
Artikel disadur kembali oleh:
Djoko Hamdani as Sejarawan Hamdina
024-7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Creative Techniques for Small Press Advertisements
What is really important when you're advertising alongside others on
a single page, is that you appear different to everyone else yet
remain consistent in your own approach.
When you do that you will be portraying an important message to your
readers' subconscious: This company is robust and consistent in its
approach and it is different from all the others. It is a leader,
not a follower.
It is always good to experiment so if you're feeling remotely
adventurous, give one of these techniques a try and just see what
difference it makes to your response.
Themed Headlines for familiarity.
Use the same distinctive font with different headlines. You can try
this with 2 or 3 ads in a single issue on a single page, or over the
course of a few insertions. The distinctive font consolidates
customer awareness of your company, and the different headline texts
portray variety and flexibility. If you can use this trick in your
campaign you will benefit from broadening your customer appeal and
strengthening your brand in the marketplace.
Use White Space.
Space is what you pay for when you buy an ad, but if you leave some
of it blank you'll be amazed at how it can improve your response. By
forcing a large white gap between your ad and the others on the page
you will automatically draw the eye to what your ad has to say. This
is such an effective way of using ad space that some publishers do
not permit it. They reason that it reflects badly on their sales
ability to see too much white space on pages that should be all sold
for advertising. But try it out - and if they do make it too
difficult for you then try one of the following ideas with that
extra space:
Publish your ad with a red ring round it.
People scanning the classified pages of a newspaper will often ring
the ads that take their interest. You can pre-empt them and ensure
that you get noticed by doing it for them. Of course it means buying
an ad size bigger than you really need but the results can be
spectacular. In this case, put a border round your ad as you would
normally, and use the extra space you bought for a hand-drawn ring,
preferably red.
Use a drop shadow.
Do you know how easy it is these days to give your ads a little
lift. You don't need the world's most expensive design program to
implant a professional-looking drop shadow behind your ad. The
effect is certainly eye-catching
Use a big bold provocative word.
Here's a secret: We once quadrupled the response rate of a client by
simply putting the word 'SEX' at the top of his ad. The copy of his
ad read "... isn't half as good as a meal at The Left Bank.". In a
campaign to launch his new restaurant that incorporated radio,
posters and press, this little classified ad was the most successful
by far. There are plenty of other words which will draw the eye in
the same way. See if you can find one for your market.
Use lists instead of prose.
When readers are scanning classified ad pages it is alot easier for
them to read a bulleted list than a paragraph of prose. Wherever
possible, use a list. You'll probably find it will take up less room
Use a portion of a large graphic.
If you want to use a picture, or a graphic to illustrate what you're
offering, you'll often find you're restricted for space in a
classified ad. Try using a portion of it, just the corner, or the
side of it. By doing this you will find that you can trick the eye
into making the ad stand out, and look a lot bigger than it is. If
you combine this with a white space round the ad so the picture
bleeds into the white space it can be particularly effective.
Big space tiny text.
Here's another way of drawing the eye to what you are saying in your
ad. This time you're using tiny text (as small as you dare) in a big
white space. Position the text in the middle of the space allowing
as much open whiteness as you can all around it. This technique
works especially if you can keep the text to a minimum, just don't
forget to put your tel. and email in it. You will find you draw the
readers eye to your ad largely out of curiosity.
Joko Hamdani as Pro Historian
024-7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
10 Ways to Get a Job at an Ad Agency
Working in advertising is rewarding and challenging. But for many
people just starting out, the challenge seems to be getting that
first big break into an ad agency's door. There are many ways you
can overcome that barrier and land a job at an advertising agency.
1. Intern
Agencies look at interns as potential employees. If you have the
opportunity to intern, by all means, you should.
Interning will help you get an "in" to the agency but you'll also be
able to work in various areas you wouldn't otherwise. Speak up and
let the agency know you're eager and willing to learn to get the
most out of your internship. The experience you gain as an intern is
invaluable and could lead to a permanent position.
2Take an Entry Level Position
It would be nice to walk right into a corner office with a view,
plop down in your leather chair and start working with big name
clients. Of course, it doesn't work that way in the real world.
Many people have successfully started their career in advertising by
taking any job in an agency and working their way up. Don't be
afraid to work outside of your job description. Get in there and
learn everything you can. If you're unable to move up within that
particular agency, you can still use that experience to get you a
job somewhere else.
3. Freelance
If you're interested in being a copywriter or graphic designer,
consider freelancing as a way to get into the business. Coming up
with your own rates, your own campaign to advertise yourself and
approaching small businesses and even agencies are all tools you can
use in your agency job hunt.
4. Create SPEC ADS
SPEC ADS are simply your version of a published ad. You might think
that you can do better than a major automaker's print ads running in
your favorite magazine. Or your local barber shop's newspaper ads
might need some reworking.
SPEC ADS are known in the industry as work you've done on your own.
It's basically pretend copywriting or graphic design but if you have
no published work, it's vital to showing your talent.
5. Contact Radio and Television Stations
Many radio and TV stations have employees who specifically write
commercials. They may also produce certain types of shows for the
station. This is a great opportunity for you to get started in the
Since most radio and TV stations don't pay very much for these types
of positions, there's both a high turnover and an opportunity for
people with little or no experience to break into the field
6. Schooling
Getting an education in advertising doesn't just apply to college
students. If you're serious about working in an agency, you can
learn a lot by taking a course.
This doesn't necessarily mean you have to pack up and move to your
closest advertising school. The Internet has given so many people
the opportunity to learn about advertising and what it takes to make
it in the business from the comfort of their own home.
7. Introduce Yourself
If you're looking for a position on the creative side of
advertising, write a letter to the Creative Director. Introduce
yourself in a friendly, professional tone and give a brief bio.
Be sure you find out who the Creative Director is and not just
address your letter: "To Whom It May Concern." You want to approach
this person just as you would a friend so get their name and the
spelling right.
You can follow up in a few weeks with an additional letter or you
can give the Creative Director a call.
Just don't cold call them first. Anyone in an agency is going to be
busy and especially someone in a management position who is juggling
many projects at once.
8. Network
Look for opportunities to meet with people in your area that are
actively working in the industry. Many cities have local advertising
clubs that sponsor special events, educational seminars and
professional workshops. Get out there and meet the people who could
be your next potential employer.
9. Work in Sales
There's a big difference between advertising and sales but being an
account executive at a car dealership, for example, can help you
bridge the gap between no experience and working in an agency.
10. Enthusiasm
Are you passionate about working in advertising? Really passionate?
Do you see commercials on TV and think:
"I could do so much better than that!"
Are you a hard worker that's willing to commit to the job, even when
that means you're working well past the typical 9-5?
These are just some of the questions you have to really evaluate if
you want to pursue a career in advertising. If you can honestly
say, "Yes, absolutely," then you need to convey that to a potential
Even in this day and age of hustle and bustle, employers are excited
to see someone with genuine passion and enthusiasm. There's a reason
they got into the field and your energy is a reminder of that.
People with a lot of experience have still been beaten out of the
job by someone with less experience but a lot of heart.
Referensi Artikel diambil dari berbagai sumber, dan disadur kembali oleh:
Djoko Hamdani as Pro Historian.
024.7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
a single page, is that you appear different to everyone else yet
remain consistent in your own approach.
When you do that you will be portraying an important message to your
readers' subconscious: This company is robust and consistent in its
approach and it is different from all the others. It is a leader,
not a follower.
It is always good to experiment so if you're feeling remotely
adventurous, give one of these techniques a try and just see what
difference it makes to your response.
Themed Headlines for familiarity.
Use the same distinctive font with different headlines. You can try
this with 2 or 3 ads in a single issue on a single page, or over the
course of a few insertions. The distinctive font consolidates
customer awareness of your company, and the different headline texts
portray variety and flexibility. If you can use this trick in your
campaign you will benefit from broadening your customer appeal and
strengthening your brand in the marketplace.
Use White Space.
Space is what you pay for when you buy an ad, but if you leave some
of it blank you'll be amazed at how it can improve your response. By
forcing a large white gap between your ad and the others on the page
you will automatically draw the eye to what your ad has to say. This
is such an effective way of using ad space that some publishers do
not permit it. They reason that it reflects badly on their sales
ability to see too much white space on pages that should be all sold
for advertising. But try it out - and if they do make it too
difficult for you then try one of the following ideas with that
extra space:
Publish your ad with a red ring round it.
People scanning the classified pages of a newspaper will often ring
the ads that take their interest. You can pre-empt them and ensure
that you get noticed by doing it for them. Of course it means buying
an ad size bigger than you really need but the results can be
spectacular. In this case, put a border round your ad as you would
normally, and use the extra space you bought for a hand-drawn ring,
preferably red.
Use a drop shadow.
Do you know how easy it is these days to give your ads a little
lift. You don't need the world's most expensive design program to
implant a professional-looking drop shadow behind your ad. The
effect is certainly eye-catching
Use a big bold provocative word.
Here's a secret: We once quadrupled the response rate of a client by
simply putting the word 'SEX' at the top of his ad. The copy of his
ad read "... isn't half as good as a meal at The Left Bank.". In a
campaign to launch his new restaurant that incorporated radio,
posters and press, this little classified ad was the most successful
by far. There are plenty of other words which will draw the eye in
the same way. See if you can find one for your market.
Use lists instead of prose.
When readers are scanning classified ad pages it is alot easier for
them to read a bulleted list than a paragraph of prose. Wherever
possible, use a list. You'll probably find it will take up less room
Use a portion of a large graphic.
If you want to use a picture, or a graphic to illustrate what you're
offering, you'll often find you're restricted for space in a
classified ad. Try using a portion of it, just the corner, or the
side of it. By doing this you will find that you can trick the eye
into making the ad stand out, and look a lot bigger than it is. If
you combine this with a white space round the ad so the picture
bleeds into the white space it can be particularly effective.
Big space tiny text.
Here's another way of drawing the eye to what you are saying in your
ad. This time you're using tiny text (as small as you dare) in a big
white space. Position the text in the middle of the space allowing
as much open whiteness as you can all around it. This technique
works especially if you can keep the text to a minimum, just don't
forget to put your tel. and email in it. You will find you draw the
readers eye to your ad largely out of curiosity.
Joko Hamdani as Pro Historian
024-7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
10 Ways to Get a Job at an Ad Agency
Working in advertising is rewarding and challenging. But for many
people just starting out, the challenge seems to be getting that
first big break into an ad agency's door. There are many ways you
can overcome that barrier and land a job at an advertising agency.
1. Intern
Agencies look at interns as potential employees. If you have the
opportunity to intern, by all means, you should.
Interning will help you get an "in" to the agency but you'll also be
able to work in various areas you wouldn't otherwise. Speak up and
let the agency know you're eager and willing to learn to get the
most out of your internship. The experience you gain as an intern is
invaluable and could lead to a permanent position.
2Take an Entry Level Position
It would be nice to walk right into a corner office with a view,
plop down in your leather chair and start working with big name
clients. Of course, it doesn't work that way in the real world.
Many people have successfully started their career in advertising by
taking any job in an agency and working their way up. Don't be
afraid to work outside of your job description. Get in there and
learn everything you can. If you're unable to move up within that
particular agency, you can still use that experience to get you a
job somewhere else.
3. Freelance
If you're interested in being a copywriter or graphic designer,
consider freelancing as a way to get into the business. Coming up
with your own rates, your own campaign to advertise yourself and
approaching small businesses and even agencies are all tools you can
use in your agency job hunt.
4. Create SPEC ADS
SPEC ADS are simply your version of a published ad. You might think
that you can do better than a major automaker's print ads running in
your favorite magazine. Or your local barber shop's newspaper ads
might need some reworking.
SPEC ADS are known in the industry as work you've done on your own.
It's basically pretend copywriting or graphic design but if you have
no published work, it's vital to showing your talent.
5. Contact Radio and Television Stations
Many radio and TV stations have employees who specifically write
commercials. They may also produce certain types of shows for the
station. This is a great opportunity for you to get started in the
Since most radio and TV stations don't pay very much for these types
of positions, there's both a high turnover and an opportunity for
people with little or no experience to break into the field
6. Schooling
Getting an education in advertising doesn't just apply to college
students. If you're serious about working in an agency, you can
learn a lot by taking a course.
This doesn't necessarily mean you have to pack up and move to your
closest advertising school. The Internet has given so many people
the opportunity to learn about advertising and what it takes to make
it in the business from the comfort of their own home.
7. Introduce Yourself
If you're looking for a position on the creative side of
advertising, write a letter to the Creative Director. Introduce
yourself in a friendly, professional tone and give a brief bio.
Be sure you find out who the Creative Director is and not just
address your letter: "To Whom It May Concern." You want to approach
this person just as you would a friend so get their name and the
spelling right.
You can follow up in a few weeks with an additional letter or you
can give the Creative Director a call.
Just don't cold call them first. Anyone in an agency is going to be
busy and especially someone in a management position who is juggling
many projects at once.
8. Network
Look for opportunities to meet with people in your area that are
actively working in the industry. Many cities have local advertising
clubs that sponsor special events, educational seminars and
professional workshops. Get out there and meet the people who could
be your next potential employer.
9. Work in Sales
There's a big difference between advertising and sales but being an
account executive at a car dealership, for example, can help you
bridge the gap between no experience and working in an agency.
10. Enthusiasm
Are you passionate about working in advertising? Really passionate?
Do you see commercials on TV and think:
"I could do so much better than that!"
Are you a hard worker that's willing to commit to the job, even when
that means you're working well past the typical 9-5?
These are just some of the questions you have to really evaluate if
you want to pursue a career in advertising. If you can honestly
say, "Yes, absolutely," then you need to convey that to a potential
Even in this day and age of hustle and bustle, employers are excited
to see someone with genuine passion and enthusiasm. There's a reason
they got into the field and your energy is a reminder of that.
People with a lot of experience have still been beaten out of the
job by someone with less experience but a lot of heart.
Referensi Artikel diambil dari berbagai sumber, dan disadur kembali oleh:
Djoko Hamdani as Pro Historian.
024.7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pro Brand
The best brands always try to do the right thing, so that their reputations will remain unsullied. But beyond that they grow, evolve and get better with time, while maintaining their special qualities from the past.
We all have a personal brand with social, cultural, intellectual, and personal needs that may not necessarily be addressed in our daily work. Address these needs and you begin to improve your brand. Here is my agenda for building your brand.
Join and participate in community and professional organizations Generate media coverage about your brand Stay in touch, or renew old ties with friends, family and business
associates Let?s examine how each one improves your brand.
Join and participate in professional and community organizations The best brands grow, evolve and get better with time, while maintaining their special qualities from the past.
Professional and community organizations provide ample opportunity to learn and grow.
They provide professional development opportunities. They allow you to network with peers as well as with people you would not necessarily ever meet in the normal course of your workday. For instance, I am a member and served on the board of our local International Association of Business Communicators chapter.
This allowed me to broaden my contacts in the corporate communications world, as well as form a number of friendships I probably never would have developed. I?m also a member of the North Carolina Citizens For Business and Industry. Here I meet people from all walks of life and all work disciplines. Finally, I am involved with Charlotte Reads, a local non-profit that focuses on literacy issues. This allows me to use my communication experience in support of an issue I feel very strongly about.
But it?s not enough to just join groups: you must participate to benefit fully. As a participant you have the opportunity to stretch, to gain confidence in yourself. Learn to lead by involvement on the board or in a special project.
If you are a communicator by trade, try being treasurer for the group to exercise the other side of your brain, or take on a special project about which you feel strongly.
Generate media coverage about your brand. All that professional and community involvement will certainly lead to opportunities to leverage that involvement into news about the brand called you. And, of course, there will be promotions, new assignments, and awards at work, too. More opportunities to make headlines.
Your achievements are of interest to local print, broadcast, and
online media, particularly the business pages. In Charlotte, the
Observer has a weekly feature called On The Move spotlighting someone
in a new position. The Charlotte Business Journal has a similar
feature called Moving Up. If it is a big enough move and your company
won?t do it, pay the estimated $150 to place it on BusinessWire or PR
Newswire. Consider it an investment in your future. Don?t forget
trade publications serving your industry and alumni publications.
Seek out speaking engagements and write guest articles, too. This is
yet another way to publicize your brand. And don?t forget to do news
releases when you make a speech or write an article. It?s all about
To stay top of mind, you might even want to develop your own monthly
e-newsletter like Think, the Hoover ink publication. Keep it mostly
informational and limit the commercial material.
Stay in touch, or renew old ties with friends, family and business
Everyone you know can be a brand ambassador for you, so stay in touch
or reach out to those you haven?t talked with for a while.
Yet another reason for having a monthly newsletter that shares your
The network of contacts you have built over your lifetime will be
instrumental if you decide to start your own business, or change jobs.
So, heed this word of advice: always deal fairly with people. One bad
experience with your brand can negate 10 positive ones.
Now, get out there and start branding.
Jorganizer Hamdina
The Professional Agency
We all have a personal brand with social, cultural, intellectual, and personal needs that may not necessarily be addressed in our daily work. Address these needs and you begin to improve your brand. Here is my agenda for building your brand.
Join and participate in community and professional organizations Generate media coverage about your brand Stay in touch, or renew old ties with friends, family and business
associates Let?s examine how each one improves your brand.
Join and participate in professional and community organizations The best brands grow, evolve and get better with time, while maintaining their special qualities from the past.
Professional and community organizations provide ample opportunity to learn and grow.
They provide professional development opportunities. They allow you to network with peers as well as with people you would not necessarily ever meet in the normal course of your workday. For instance, I am a member and served on the board of our local International Association of Business Communicators chapter.
This allowed me to broaden my contacts in the corporate communications world, as well as form a number of friendships I probably never would have developed. I?m also a member of the North Carolina Citizens For Business and Industry. Here I meet people from all walks of life and all work disciplines. Finally, I am involved with Charlotte Reads, a local non-profit that focuses on literacy issues. This allows me to use my communication experience in support of an issue I feel very strongly about.
But it?s not enough to just join groups: you must participate to benefit fully. As a participant you have the opportunity to stretch, to gain confidence in yourself. Learn to lead by involvement on the board or in a special project.
If you are a communicator by trade, try being treasurer for the group to exercise the other side of your brain, or take on a special project about which you feel strongly.
Generate media coverage about your brand. All that professional and community involvement will certainly lead to opportunities to leverage that involvement into news about the brand called you. And, of course, there will be promotions, new assignments, and awards at work, too. More opportunities to make headlines.
Your achievements are of interest to local print, broadcast, and
online media, particularly the business pages. In Charlotte, the
Observer has a weekly feature called On The Move spotlighting someone
in a new position. The Charlotte Business Journal has a similar
feature called Moving Up. If it is a big enough move and your company
won?t do it, pay the estimated $150 to place it on BusinessWire or PR
Newswire. Consider it an investment in your future. Don?t forget
trade publications serving your industry and alumni publications.
Seek out speaking engagements and write guest articles, too. This is
yet another way to publicize your brand. And don?t forget to do news
releases when you make a speech or write an article. It?s all about
To stay top of mind, you might even want to develop your own monthly
e-newsletter like Think, the Hoover ink publication. Keep it mostly
informational and limit the commercial material.
Stay in touch, or renew old ties with friends, family and business
Everyone you know can be a brand ambassador for you, so stay in touch
or reach out to those you haven?t talked with for a while.
Yet another reason for having a monthly newsletter that shares your
The network of contacts you have built over your lifetime will be
instrumental if you decide to start your own business, or change jobs.
So, heed this word of advice: always deal fairly with people. One bad
experience with your brand can negate 10 positive ones.
Now, get out there and start branding.
Jorganizer Hamdina
The Professional Agency
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