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Showing posts with label local to global.. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Creative Techniques for Small Press Advertisements

What is really important when you're advertising alongside others on
a single page, is that you appear different to everyone else yet
remain consistent in your own approach.
When you do that you will be portraying an important message to your
readers' subconscious: This company is robust and consistent in its
approach and it is different from all the others. It is a leader,
not a follower.

It is always good to experiment so if you're feeling remotely
adventurous, give one of these techniques a try and just see what
difference it makes to your response.

Themed Headlines for familiarity.
Use the same distinctive font with different headlines. You can try
this with 2 or 3 ads in a single issue on a single page, or over the
course of a few insertions. The distinctive font consolidates
customer awareness of your company, and the different headline texts
portray variety and flexibility. If you can use this trick in your
campaign you will benefit from broadening your customer appeal and
strengthening your brand in the marketplace.

Use White Space.
Space is what you pay for when you buy an ad, but if you leave some
of it blank you'll be amazed at how it can improve your response. By
forcing a large white gap between your ad and the others on the page
you will automatically draw the eye to what your ad has to say. This
is such an effective way of using ad space that some publishers do
not permit it. They reason that it reflects badly on their sales
ability to see too much white space on pages that should be all sold
for advertising. But try it out - and if they do make it too
difficult for you then try one of the following ideas with that
extra space:

Publish your ad with a red ring round it.
People scanning the classified pages of a newspaper will often ring
the ads that take their interest. You can pre-empt them and ensure
that you get noticed by doing it for them. Of course it means buying
an ad size bigger than you really need but the results can be
spectacular. In this case, put a border round your ad as you would
normally, and use the extra space you bought for a hand-drawn ring,
preferably red.

Use a drop shadow.
Do you know how easy it is these days to give your ads a little
lift. You don't need the world's most expensive design program to
implant a professional-looking drop shadow behind your ad. The
effect is certainly eye-catching

Use a big bold provocative word.
Here's a secret: We once quadrupled the response rate of a client by
simply putting the word 'SEX' at the top of his ad. The copy of his
ad read "... isn't half as good as a meal at The Left Bank.". In a
campaign to launch his new restaurant that incorporated radio,
posters and press, this little classified ad was the most successful
by far. There are plenty of other words which will draw the eye in
the same way. See if you can find one for your market.

Use lists instead of prose.
When readers are scanning classified ad pages it is alot easier for
them to read a bulleted list than a paragraph of prose. Wherever
possible, use a list. You'll probably find it will take up less room

Use a portion of a large graphic.
If you want to use a picture, or a graphic to illustrate what you're
offering, you'll often find you're restricted for space in a
classified ad. Try using a portion of it, just the corner, or the
side of it. By doing this you will find that you can trick the eye
into making the ad stand out, and look a lot bigger than it is. If
you combine this with a white space round the ad so the picture
bleeds into the white space it can be particularly effective.

Big space tiny text.
Here's another way of drawing the eye to what you are saying in your
ad. This time you're using tiny text (as small as you dare) in a big
white space. Position the text in the middle of the space allowing
as much open whiteness as you can all around it. This technique
works especially if you can keep the text to a minimum, just don't
forget to put your tel. and email in it. You will find you draw the
readers eye to your ad largely out of curiosity.

Joko Hamdani as Pro Historian
024-7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.

10 Ways to Get a Job at an Ad Agency

Working in advertising is rewarding and challenging. But for many
people just starting out, the challenge seems to be getting that
first big break into an ad agency's door. There are many ways you
can overcome that barrier and land a job at an advertising agency.

1. Intern
Agencies look at interns as potential employees. If you have the
opportunity to intern, by all means, you should.
Interning will help you get an "in" to the agency but you'll also be
able to work in various areas you wouldn't otherwise. Speak up and
let the agency know you're eager and willing to learn to get the
most out of your internship. The experience you gain as an intern is
invaluable and could lead to a permanent position.

2Take an Entry Level Position
It would be nice to walk right into a corner office with a view,
plop down in your leather chair and start working with big name
clients. Of course, it doesn't work that way in the real world.
Many people have successfully started their career in advertising by
taking any job in an agency and working their way up. Don't be
afraid to work outside of your job description. Get in there and
learn everything you can. If you're unable to move up within that
particular agency, you can still use that experience to get you a
job somewhere else.

3. Freelance
If you're interested in being a copywriter or graphic designer,
consider freelancing as a way to get into the business. Coming up
with your own rates, your own campaign to advertise yourself and
approaching small businesses and even agencies are all tools you can
use in your agency job hunt.

4. Create SPEC ADS
SPEC ADS are simply your version of a published ad. You might think
that you can do better than a major automaker's print ads running in
your favorite magazine. Or your local barber shop's newspaper ads
might need some reworking.
SPEC ADS are known in the industry as work you've done on your own.
It's basically pretend copywriting or graphic design but if you have
no published work, it's vital to showing your talent.

5. Contact Radio and Television Stations
Many radio and TV stations have employees who specifically write
commercials. They may also produce certain types of shows for the
station. This is a great opportunity for you to get started in the
Since most radio and TV stations don't pay very much for these types
of positions, there's both a high turnover and an opportunity for
people with little or no experience to break into the field

6. Schooling
Getting an education in advertising doesn't just apply to college
students. If you're serious about working in an agency, you can
learn a lot by taking a course.

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to pack up and move to your
closest advertising school. The Internet has given so many people
the opportunity to learn about advertising and what it takes to make
it in the business from the comfort of their own home.

7. Introduce Yourself
If you're looking for a position on the creative side of
advertising, write a letter to the Creative Director. Introduce
yourself in a friendly, professional tone and give a brief bio.

Be sure you find out who the Creative Director is and not just
address your letter: "To Whom It May Concern." You want to approach
this person just as you would a friend so get their name and the
spelling right.

You can follow up in a few weeks with an additional letter or you
can give the Creative Director a call.

Just don't cold call them first. Anyone in an agency is going to be
busy and especially someone in a management position who is juggling
many projects at once.

8. Network
Look for opportunities to meet with people in your area that are
actively working in the industry. Many cities have local advertising
clubs that sponsor special events, educational seminars and
professional workshops. Get out there and meet the people who could
be your next potential employer.

9. Work in Sales
There's a big difference between advertising and sales but being an
account executive at a car dealership, for example, can help you
bridge the gap between no experience and working in an agency.

10. Enthusiasm
Are you passionate about working in advertising? Really passionate?
Do you see commercials on TV and think:

"I could do so much better than that!"

Are you a hard worker that's willing to commit to the job, even when
that means you're working well past the typical 9-5?

These are just some of the questions you have to really evaluate if
you want to pursue a career in advertising. If you can honestly
say, "Yes, absolutely," then you need to convey that to a potential

Even in this day and age of hustle and bustle, employers are excited
to see someone with genuine passion and enthusiasm. There's a reason
they got into the field and your energy is a reminder of that.

People with a lot of experience have still been beaten out of the
job by someone with less experience but a lot of heart.

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Djoko Hamdani as Pro Historian.
024.7060.9694 (sms/ telp)
Independent with my own idealism.
