Showing posts with label economic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2009

Indonesia Future

“Hari depan Indonesia adalah duaratus juta mulut yang menganga; Hari depan Indonesia adalah bola-bola lampu 15 wat, sebagian berwarna putih dan sebagian hitam, yang bernyala bergantian; Hari depan Indonesia adalah pertandingan pingpong siang malam dengan bola yang bentuknya seperti telur angsa; Hari depan Indonesia adalah pulau Jawa yang tenggelam karena seratus juta penduduknya; Kembalikan Indonesia padaku.” – Taufik Ismail, cuplikan sajak “Kembalikan Indonesia Padaku”, 1975.

Fenomena bisnis berspektrum internasional di Korea dan China baru-baru ini : Hyundai Motor produsen otomotif terbesar Korsel, membukukan laba bersih 972,2 juta Won (US$827,3 juta) di kuartal ketiga 2009, naik 3 kali lipat dibanding periode yang sama di tahun lalu. Strategi pemasaran global Hyundai berhasil memperbesar porsi pasar dunianya dari 5,2% di kuartal kedua menjadi 5,3% di kuartal ketiga. Gerak globalisasi negeri ginseng ini juga ditandai dengan agresivitas Korea National Oil Corporation yang mengakuisisi Harvest Energy Trust, sebuah perusahaan migas berbasis di Kanada. Transaksi ini bernilai US$3,9 miliar. Menurut Kim Hyung Chan, fund-manager di KTB Asset Management Co., Korea National Oil Corporation haruslah mengembangkan bisnisnya sampai ke luar negeri lantaran kepentingan Korea demi mengamankan sumber daya energi domestik Korea sendiri. Selain Korea, kita tahu bahwa China di tahun ini juga telah menghabiskan dana sampai sebesar US$12,6 miliar untuk program belanja aset migas di kancah internasional.

Fenomena bisnis beraroma internasional di Indonesia: gonjang-ganjing soal pencekalan Miyabi, sang ikon internasional di bidangnya, beriringan dengan gempa bumi di Tasikmalaya, Padang dan Jambi telah menarik perhatian dunia. Walau tadinya cuma berencana membintangi sebuah sinetron yang sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya dengan kerja profesional beliau di Jepang sana, namun Miyabi-san tetap “dicekal”. Mudah-mudahan program “pencekalan” ini secara konsisten juga berlaku terhadap para koruptor, penguasa dan wakil rakyat yang praktek sosialnya kerap malah lebih porno.

Kabinet SBY jilid dua sedang giat mengejar target 100 hari pertama. Selamat bekerja kepada segenap pejabat terpenting di jajaran eksekutif ini. Jangan lupa, target ekonomi seyogianya merefleksikan tingkat kesejahteraan rakyat. Semua target kesejahteraan rakyat itu diolah dan diupayakan keberhasilannya lewat kecakapan politik yang bisa menggulirkan kebijakan yang pro rakyat. Semua kebijakan yang pro rakyat hanya bisa terjadi jika segenap proses manajemen-negara bisa berjalan efektif, efisien dan menghasilkan efek sinergis. Dan, kita sadar betul bahwa proses manajemen negara sedemikian hanya bisa terjadi jika state-apparatus, yakni segenap para pelaku pengelola negara terdiri dari insan profesional (kompeten) dan terpanggil sebagai negarawan yang visinya tembus jaman sampai puluhan bahkan ratusan tahun ke depan. Bukan sekedar visi politisi oportunis yang perspektifnya cuma sependek lima tahunan saja.

(cuplikan artikel di Majalah MARKETING, edisi November 2009)

Disadur kembali oleh:
Jorganizer Hamdina

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Global Recession

Ini sedikit kilasan sejarah mengenai resesi global. Pemahaman yang sedikit ini setidaknya diharapkan dapat membantu kita untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan cepat yang terjadi dan fluktuasi yang begitu mudah mengalami perubahan.

This is the economic reality that will come crashing down around us in the next 2-6 years.

I'm just curious, do you also believe in the population bomb? Also, note that "peak oil" was has supposedly been reached in the 50's 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. I'm not saying that there are not significant natural resource concerns, there certainly are, but I do have to wonder where the certainty in your time frame comes from.

Peak oil in the US was in fact reached in the 70's. I don't recall anyone claiming it would hit world-wide until well into the middle of the 21st century. I have been reading that since the early 90's when I was in college.

I could argue that we are experiencing peak right now, but I am prudent enough to concede that many economic factors can be responsible for this, and can even reverse a peak over a few decades.

Peak oil (and peak copper, peak salmon, you name it) is but one of several self-limiting economic realities facing the world today. More immediate, however, is the necessity we have created for broad and unprecedented economic growth if we are recover from the debt incurred over the past 10 years. Or even the past 2 years, given the bail-out of hopelessly failed banking institutions. We are counting on the taxpayer to recover this wealth. We have said, "oops! It wasn't in CDO's, nope, nothing there."

Second, as the baby-boomers go into retirement, we don't have a large enough replacement population to support them, let alone liquidate their vast financial and real estate assets. They just watched at least a third of their wealth get wiped out.

So I think those two factors, and maybe some limitations on growth of energy and natural resources, will be the next big "crises" coincidental with this downturn.

What will turn bad to worse, however, is the fact that there is ZERO political will (aside from Ron Paul) to do something about our economic models and consumption habits.

006andahalf: Crown_of_Shoes: abnormalia: What if our economy is up right now, and the past spikes were just flukes? What if we're at the peak and getting ready for the real plunge?

This is the economic reality that will come crashing down around us in the next 2-6 years.

I'm just curious, do you also believe in the population bomb? Also, note that "peak oil" was has supposedly been reached in the 50's 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. I'm not saying that there are not significant natural resource concerns, there certainly are, but I do have to wonder where the certainty in your time frame comes from.

Don't bother - my time at fark has taught me quite a few things about about economic and political threads:

1) There are those that never worry and their political side is never wrong...
2) There are those that always worry and the other political side is never right...
3) Then there are those that wallow in the thought of misery like a pig in slop - the world is always a day away from total chaos and anarchy to them - and they will happily tell you why.

In all groups there are people who troll as if they were a part of these groups.

Then there are those who actually believe it but their real life behavior belies that fact. I doubt there are more than a handful of farkers posting from some mountain cave stocked with ammo and canned food, overlooking a private valley planted with vegetables, with a waterwheel and windmill providing limited but free electical power.
